Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Roger Ebert

If you are unfamiliar with the Roger Ebert article, please click here.

I've never heard a story like this before.  Sure, we have all heard about upsetting personal experiences, but not with an end result quite like this.  Ebert is a strong and determined man, so optimistic with an attitude that can overcome the worst news.  Battling with cancer, Ebert continues to live his life to the fullest, not stopping to complain or sulk.  His emotions to anyone else would seem unbalanced, and as for myself, I admire his strength.  Most people would see his condition as a disability, or a defect of some sort.  To me, it seems that Ebert's illness is what keeps his going.  He continues to write and do what he loves.  It may be in silence, but his heart speaks louder than ever before.

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